Thursday, September 27, 2012

Are Trophies Everything In Gaming ?

 Trophies are something special to gamers .... nothing quite feels as good as the sound a trophy makes as the achievement is unlocked. Not so long ago there were no real trophy system in games instead we worked for in game unlocks and such and that never stopped us from spending countless hours tapping away at our controllers. So what else compels gamers to go mad over trophies ? Now its a way to show off to all your friends and now the world by having all your achievements there for all to see . Its like having an expensive gold watch on in a club with diamonds blinging ...... its simply to show off .
 I got the idea for this article after something special occurred to me just this night whilst playing an older Ps2 game I purchased from the PSN store . I myself  had fallen into the trophy vice and would turn the other cheek to games unless they were packed full of trophies ; thus , turning my back on gaming in its earliest and truest form..... that is of course until it hit me this evening . Lately I have been real big on Japanese games ( just love em ) and cant stop playing them until Black Ops 2 of course. I happened to purchase Persona 3 Ps2 version from the store and was horrified to learn that there were no trophies . Nonetheless I began to play the game and all of a sudden I was having more fun than playing most games with trophy support . I will almost certainly put 60+ hours of gameplay on this title trophies or not proving to myself that trophies .... even though they are fun and we all love to unlock them... are only a small part of the entire gaming machine.
 I know people and have one on my list who has over 200 platinum trophies ..... are they all legit? No of course not .... there are ways to cheat everything but it goes to show the great lengths gamers will go thru to have the prestige of having allot of trophies ...platinum in particular. Some of the greatest games ever made never had trophy support and even if they did nobody would see them anyway.. I mean come on those old systems were not even hooked up to an online connection ..... we played games because they were fun and we enjoyed them and appreciated them for what they were .... art.

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