Thursday, September 20, 2012

Is The iPhone The Ultimate Gaming Device ?

 After seeing some gameplay on the new iPhone 5 I can understand why some are saying its the ultimate handheld gaming devise. With a bigger screen and 2x the processing power and new multiplayer applications and better designed and higher quality headphones that deliver headset quality sound it very well might be every gamers dream . I'm the owner of a PS Vita so its hard to imagine a phone taking its place as a gaming handheld solely because of the triggers and dual analog sticks present on the Vita and not the iPhone5 .
 More and more it seems as though high end smart phones and tablets are taking the place of home consoles and strictly gaming handhelds that are falling more into the " hardcore " gaming category . It is also now known that gaming super centers like Japan the base and home of Sony's Playstation are filled with more people who game on the go than at home. What does this mean for the future of home console software developement and gaming handhelds like Vita and DS alike ? Well it very well could mean that software developers will be forced to create more content for mobile devises like the iPhone5 and tablets taking away quality time needed to create great and inovative games on home consoles and gaming handhelds.
 As soon as I get my hands on an iPhone5 I will review it and also review the gaming capabilities but until then send me some feedback on your take on this subject and if you own an iPhone5 tell us about your gaming experience.

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