Friday, September 21, 2012

The Winner Of The Console Exclusive War Is ?

 I for one never understood specific console exclusive games .... I know , I know... its all about money and selling the hardware but as gamers we could care less about this corporate manipulation because for us all games should be on all consoles and everyones happy no matter what kind of hardware you decide to own . Unfortunately of course these are simply gamer's dreams and the reality of the situation is ... unless you dish out and purchase thousands of dollars worth of hardware for both consoles with the related software included ... we are missing out on great games . So now lets take a look at the top exclusive games on the Xbox360 and Playstation 3 and reveal for the first time ( in my opinion ) who the winner of this brutal exclusive software war really is once and for all .

First lets take a look at three of the most notable exclusives on each console.


#1. Halo Series
#2. Gears Of War Series
#3. Forza Motor Sports

Playstation 3

#1. Uncharted Series
#2. Metal Gear Solid Series
#3. LittleBigPlanet Series

 Now with this list we see some really good games on both sides and in my opinion just about even ( excluding the gamechanger ) and could fill volumes with arguments back and forth .... so to simply skip all that lets just reveal the gamechanger and thus , the winner of the exclusive games war.

Mincraft for the Xbox360

 Yes thats right .... and you can argue all you want but the fact is Mincraft is big really big and has millions of hardcore fans on the PC and all around the world and is a real thorn in the eye of PS3 owners who cannot get a console version. Needless to say that in my eyes this is what won the exclusive war for Microsoft and was a stroke of genius on their part .

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