Monday, December 10, 2012

What Happens When You Reset Your Stats On BO2

If your wondering what happens when you choose to reset your stats on Black Ops 2 well then I have the answer . I decided to reset my stats on third prestige ( you can only do it on prestige ) not only for a fresh start but also the cool eraser calling card you can only get for doing so and therfore can never truly unlock all emblems unless you do a full reset which is why I decided to do it before I got even deeper in the game ranking system.
  When and if you decide to reset your stats EVERYTHING is lost . No more prestige , weapons , kills , score ,emblems . You start back with nothing from level 0 and this also holds true for any league ranking you have earned because all league is deleted also. It takes some real backbone to do this so make sure you know what it means if you are going to choose this lonely path...... but hey , I can show off my cool eraser emblem nobody else seems to have that I have seen . Good luck.

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