Friday, September 21, 2012

Zelda : The Holy Grail Of Games

  I do not have a crystal ball but if I did I already know what it will show me about the future of gaming . I can see Nintendo Wii U : Zelda bundles flying off of Wallmart shelves faster than the employees can stock them back. Zelda goes way back and any hardcore (or casual for that matter) gamer will remember endless hours of playing this epic franchise and getting lost in its vast worlds and secret passages . The release of this game in full HD on a revolutionary gaming console is a true game changer for the new console and Nintendo is privy to this fact . Nintendo's been playing it off talking about a few "console sellers " but have yet to even mention Zelda as one and I'll tell you why. Zelda Wii U is Nintendo's secret weapon that it will only pull out at the best stretegic time.
 So while basically everyones scraching their heads wondering about how the Nintendo Wii U will sell ...... the people at Nintendo are sitting back with smirks on their faces popping open bottles of crytstal champagne knowing fully well this ones already in the bag . Looks like a bright future for Nintendo ( no big change ) thanks to their genius planning and superior gaming market insight . Nintendo my hats off to you .... well played , well played .

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