Saturday, September 15, 2012

Wii U Black Ops 2 Confirmed

We all know about the soon to be released Wii U console from Nintendo and with it comes an impressive line up of games including Black Ops 2 . For those of you who laugh and think that this hardware is anything at all like the original Wii will be in for a bit of a surprise. The Wii U's new hardware is very impressive including a tablet like controller . With games like Black Ops 2 and many other great games coming to the new console it should be interesting to see how it sells .
 Wii U will launch November 18 2012 and will cost around $299 ( just $50 more than the Vita ) . From what I have seen so far the games look amazing , original and next-gen to say the least . It should be very interesting watching the youtube gameplay video's of Black Ops 2 on the next-gen console and to see how it differ's from the software on Playstation3 or Xbox360 . These video's are sure to get allot of views because allot of people are interested in the new way of playing hardcore games the way the Nintendo Wii U brings it .
 Are you getting a Wii U at launch or will you wait to see how it all play's out if you even decide to get it at all? Let us know and share your idea's and/or any additional information you may have on this new console.

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