Thursday, September 27, 2012

Are Trophies Everything In Gaming ?

 Trophies are something special to gamers .... nothing quite feels as good as the sound a trophy makes as the achievement is unlocked. Not so long ago there were no real trophy system in games instead we worked for in game unlocks and such and that never stopped us from spending countless hours tapping away at our controllers. So what else compels gamers to go mad over trophies ? Now its a way to show off to all your friends and now the world by having all your achievements there for all to see . Its like having an expensive gold watch on in a club with diamonds blinging ...... its simply to show off .
 I got the idea for this article after something special occurred to me just this night whilst playing an older Ps2 game I purchased from the PSN store . I myself  had fallen into the trophy vice and would turn the other cheek to games unless they were packed full of trophies ; thus , turning my back on gaming in its earliest and truest form..... that is of course until it hit me this evening . Lately I have been real big on Japanese games ( just love em ) and cant stop playing them until Black Ops 2 of course. I happened to purchase Persona 3 Ps2 version from the store and was horrified to learn that there were no trophies . Nonetheless I began to play the game and all of a sudden I was having more fun than playing most games with trophy support . I will almost certainly put 60+ hours of gameplay on this title trophies or not proving to myself that trophies .... even though they are fun and we all love to unlock them... are only a small part of the entire gaming machine.
 I know people and have one on my list who has over 200 platinum trophies ..... are they all legit? No of course not .... there are ways to cheat everything but it goes to show the great lengths gamers will go thru to have the prestige of having allot of trophies ...platinum in particular. Some of the greatest games ever made never had trophy support and even if they did nobody would see them anyway.. I mean come on those old systems were not even hooked up to an online connection ..... we played games because they were fun and we enjoyed them and appreciated them for what they were .... art.

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

BO2 Can Download Textures To HDD Drive On Ps3

PS3 Exclusive Update :

 It has been confirmed that PS3 owners who purchase the title Black Ops 2 will be able to download from the disk to the hard drive . This is only for PS3 and the reasons stated was that this will prevent wear and tear on the Playstations Blue Ray Drive over extended use. I dont know if they are trying to say that the Blue ray is not as reliable as the HD drive on Xbox360 but either way I could care less .... I get to download to my HDD .... Yes.

Wii U Pre-Orders Getting Crazy


 Analyst's are surprised as stores across the United States and the UK are reporting Wii U pre-orders are coming in at a rate of 500 orders per hour in some locations . At the same time the United Kingdom is shocked as pre-orders are flowing in way beyond what was expected . Well it looks like all those doomsayers about the inability of the Wii U to attain success ........ epic fail on their part. It looks like buyers purchasing the new console off store shelves on launch will be in for a big surprise . If your looking to get this console for the holidays and have not yet placed a pre-order ..... well good luck.

Update : Halo 4 Finished


 Frank O'Connor franchise director of the coveted Halo series has announced that the popular Xbox360 exclusive sci-fi shooter is now finished and heading to Microsoft for certification.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Is Black Ops 2 A Huge DLC ?

 Before this question can be answered with some sort of authority first we must look at some of the facts that cannot be denied then some facts that can be argued from different angles .
  Not a whole lot has changed since the first revolutionary COD Modern Warfare . One can even argue that the original Modern Warfare was the only revolutionary COD game , but lets look at the facts first before we get ahead of ourselves. Sure things change from game to game like the kinds of maps and the perks , weapons and attachments but wait a minute ...... was there ever a different engine? No ...... in fact all COD's are made with the same engine for some reason . Sure the first Black Ops was different in many ways from the traditional COD series but even in that game the weapons , perks , attachments , ect are still all basically the same minus some tweaks to the same old engine graphics wise but an engine can only be tweaked withing its limitations and since Modern Warfare those limitations have remained the same.
  Taking into the fact that its all always on the same engine with the same guns , perks , attachments and kill streaks with only small additions to all those from game to game ...... hmm kind of like a DLC .... you purchase extra content thats adds additional maps , guns , attachments and perks at the most . I know what your thinking .... well the map packs only give us new maps not new weapons and attchments and such-right? Well if a map pack is only 10 or 15 dollars and comes with maps then why is a " new " game 60$ and thats not even considering hardened editions or even Call Of Duty Elite for that matter and they are only screen over's with new weopons , perks , attachments and kill or point streaks and keep in mind when I say new I mean the few new additions added to the new releases .
 Now I love Call Of Duty and will always play it and placed top 100 for kills on most games so I'm just being reasonable here and trying for the life of me why they cant just sit down and create something new and revolutionary while still keeping that familiar COD feel? Its the 21st century why not use a new improved engine( there are plenty out there ) ? Why not greatly enhance the graphics and gameplay beyond new maps and guns ? Lets just face the facts .... as badly as we all want Black Ops 2 me included we are only getting a 60$ Black Ops DLC with new maps ect . Wait ... look in the preview -dogs- looks like there's not going to be a whole lot of change in reality . Right now all we can do is sit back and wait and hope that I'm wrong .... maybe Black Ops 2 will be more than a glorified DLC . Maybe it will change the way we see and play the COD series . I really do hope I'm wrong.

GameSplatt Milestone 1,000 Page Views

 I just wanted to thank everyone who has checked out this blog and helped us hit this milestone in just two weeks . There is allot of work to do still because even though each article is getting a decent amount of views for a new blog......comments are still not coming in as to be expected until word spreads about the add free quality of our updates consistently even on weekends . Remember you do not have to join the blog to comment and can do so anonymously if you so wish. Thank you all for your support and we look foward to bringing you the lates and most important updates as soon as we hear about them.

Persona 4 Golden Jumps Vita Sales 150%

 Sales of the Playstation Vita in Japan were up 150% after the release of Persona 4 Golden by Atlus Co for the the handheld out selling its former #1 game by 3 times . During the same week that the game was released Vita sales jumped to 137,076 new units sold in that week alone. The game received a universal score and rating of a perfect 10 all across the boards .
 Persona 4 Golden is a remake of a playstation 2 game released for that platform in July , 2008 . This game is a JRPG that will suck you in for 100 hours plus .... with plenty of upgrades and welcome changes just for the Ps Vita . If you pre-order the game it will come with a Persona 4 Golden Vita skin and trust me the skin looks nice . Fans of Japanese RPG's or just deep RPG's in general will be glad to know that Persona 4 Golden will release in the United States November ,20 2012 .

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Monday, September 24, 2012

Monster Hunter 4 Only On 3DS

 I know this news is a nightmare to allot of gamers . Just recently we all heard the voice of many gamers wishing and hoping for a Munster Hunter release on a console or most specifically the Ps Vita . Well its confirmed that the new game will only be available for the Nintendo 3DS . The producers of the game stated that the Nintendo 3DS was the perfect platform for their vision of the game.

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Sunday, September 23, 2012

New Vita Colors Picture : Japan

 Japan will soon be able to purchase PS Vita's in new color's : Cosmic Red and Sapphire Blue . No word yet if these will be released in the West yet ; however , gamers here can still purchase a white model soon . After fighting non-stop against fingerprints on my shiny black model I would advise future consumers to buy a Vita in a different color because it realy is a full time job keeping the black one clean and fingerprint free.

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Breaking : Sony Removes All Game Release Dates


It has been confirmed by many a reliable source that Sony has removed all future game release dates . This can be confirmed at your local gamespot or similiar video game provider . Not a whole lot of information is available on this subject at the moment and it being Sunday does not help any considering most gaming websites do not update over weekends . Speculation about the reasons for this move remain at this moment just that - speculation . I will update this story as more information comes in and if you know something about this please let us know in the comments.

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Saturday, September 22, 2012

Vita 6 Month Definitive Review

I know what your thinking. Isn't it a little late for a PS Vita review ? There are thousands of reviews and its been out since its launch on February 22 , 2012 . Well the way I see it is a true review cannot be made after only a few day's or weeks of casual handling of the handheld device. I purchased my Wii-Fi version of the Vita just around the launch of the system and have played on it like a true harcore gamer . I have played most games on the system and seen it through all the updates ; thus , this will be a true definitive review of the Vita for those who are still on the fence about investing in the next-gen handheld. I will skip all the specs because thats easily found and well known and just fill you in on the stuff that truly matters to the consumer.
OLED Vita Screen

 The screen on the Vita is of course its biggest asset . Earlier reviews complained about the accuracy and sensitivity of the touch screen . This is only because some of the early launch titles did a bad job incorporating touch controls in the game software itself and therefore was due to software and not hardware . I have played games ( most games on the Vita ) which the touch controls operated beyond what one would expect . The touch controls are exact and flawless giving the software is developed correctly . The visuals on the OLED screen are simply mind blowing and colors explode and dance of your face as you grind away at your favorite titles. To sum it up .... smaller than a pc tablet and bigger than an iPhone . Just perfect for gaming , tweeting , skype, facebook or whatever you wish to operate.

Dual Analog Sticks

 Now these are special for a handheld .... the only handheld on the market with true console quality analog stick controls . At first I was worried about the life span of the sticks and wondered if they would be the first to go since I have replaced 3 Dualshock controllers because the sticks wore out but on close inspection one finds an engineering stroke of genius involved in the design of these sticks showing that the developers thought about this . There is a small ring around the bottom base of the analog sticks which prevent you from moving them in ways that will harm them ....... nice. On top of that great news is the fact that they are flawless in sensitivity and accuracy even after around six months of hardcore play.


Not much to explain here .... simple triggers that are effective but in all honesty feel a little cheap after prolong use but nothing to really hinder your gameplay other than worry about them breaking or becoming ineffective in the future ( six months still working fine ).


When first launched this was a problem ( why early reviews are irrelevant ) . The launch Vita was in its infant form with hardly any of the capabilities now present on the devise and very few games were available even though some that were boasted very deep and long gameplay like Disgaea 3 which I'm convinced is endless . Now the games are rolling out ( the best coming in November ) and truly great games if that like LittleBigPlanet and HD collections like Metal Gear .
 Sony has been constantly updating the Vita adding new features like youtube , skype , cross play , remote play, playtasion plus amongst others which make the Vita an entirely new animal from the launch operating system. Playing God Of War on your Vita via remote play or using the vita as a second controller or playing true multiplayer on a handheld feels great and makes the devise worth the money invested.


Minus the specs as stated above the hardware runs perfect . I have had no problems with the Vita hardware at all and it never gets or feels hot after extended gameplay. Back touch pad can use some work for sure and seems to me just something to hit by accident while playing ( you can turn it off on most games in the options ) making it irrelevant in the end. Charging time is real fast and the charge can last a long time with continuous play and backing up your files to a PC or your Playstation is a breeze and a welcome one since your data can never be lost this way.


 Probably not the best investment at launch but after the constant updates that keeps improving the devise and proving that the Vita is capable of so much more because its only an update away ...... this is truly a next-gen handheld that every hardcore or casual gamer alike should own if finance allows. After the boot up updates for new Vita's you will be holding a true gem in your hand that can be played at home or anywhere on the go. Lets just say if this one should ever break or stop working I will purchase another ..... its that great.


Friday, September 21, 2012

The Winner Of The Console Exclusive War Is ?

 I for one never understood specific console exclusive games .... I know , I know... its all about money and selling the hardware but as gamers we could care less about this corporate manipulation because for us all games should be on all consoles and everyones happy no matter what kind of hardware you decide to own . Unfortunately of course these are simply gamer's dreams and the reality of the situation is ... unless you dish out and purchase thousands of dollars worth of hardware for both consoles with the related software included ... we are missing out on great games . So now lets take a look at the top exclusive games on the Xbox360 and Playstation 3 and reveal for the first time ( in my opinion ) who the winner of this brutal exclusive software war really is once and for all .

First lets take a look at three of the most notable exclusives on each console.


#1. Halo Series
#2. Gears Of War Series
#3. Forza Motor Sports

Playstation 3

#1. Uncharted Series
#2. Metal Gear Solid Series
#3. LittleBigPlanet Series

 Now with this list we see some really good games on both sides and in my opinion just about even ( excluding the gamechanger ) and could fill volumes with arguments back and forth .... so to simply skip all that lets just reveal the gamechanger and thus , the winner of the exclusive games war.

Mincraft for the Xbox360

 Yes thats right .... and you can argue all you want but the fact is Mincraft is big really big and has millions of hardcore fans on the PC and all around the world and is a real thorn in the eye of PS3 owners who cannot get a console version. Needless to say that in my eyes this is what won the exclusive war for Microsoft and was a stroke of genius on their part .

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Zelda : The Holy Grail Of Games

  I do not have a crystal ball but if I did I already know what it will show me about the future of gaming . I can see Nintendo Wii U : Zelda bundles flying off of Wallmart shelves faster than the employees can stock them back. Zelda goes way back and any hardcore (or casual for that matter) gamer will remember endless hours of playing this epic franchise and getting lost in its vast worlds and secret passages . The release of this game in full HD on a revolutionary gaming console is a true game changer for the new console and Nintendo is privy to this fact . Nintendo's been playing it off talking about a few "console sellers " but have yet to even mention Zelda as one and I'll tell you why. Zelda Wii U is Nintendo's secret weapon that it will only pull out at the best stretegic time.
 So while basically everyones scraching their heads wondering about how the Nintendo Wii U will sell ...... the people at Nintendo are sitting back with smirks on their faces popping open bottles of crytstal champagne knowing fully well this ones already in the bag . Looks like a bright future for Nintendo ( no big change ) thanks to their genius planning and superior gaming market insight . Nintendo my hats off to you .... well played , well played .

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Thursday, September 20, 2012

Is The iPhone The Ultimate Gaming Device ?

 After seeing some gameplay on the new iPhone 5 I can understand why some are saying its the ultimate handheld gaming devise. With a bigger screen and 2x the processing power and new multiplayer applications and better designed and higher quality headphones that deliver headset quality sound it very well might be every gamers dream . I'm the owner of a PS Vita so its hard to imagine a phone taking its place as a gaming handheld solely because of the triggers and dual analog sticks present on the Vita and not the iPhone5 .
 More and more it seems as though high end smart phones and tablets are taking the place of home consoles and strictly gaming handhelds that are falling more into the " hardcore " gaming category . It is also now known that gaming super centers like Japan the base and home of Sony's Playstation are filled with more people who game on the go than at home. What does this mean for the future of home console software developement and gaming handhelds like Vita and DS alike ? Well it very well could mean that software developers will be forced to create more content for mobile devises like the iPhone5 and tablets taking away quality time needed to create great and inovative games on home consoles and gaming handhelds.
 As soon as I get my hands on an iPhone5 I will review it and also review the gaming capabilities but until then send me some feedback on your take on this subject and if you own an iPhone5 tell us about your gaming experience.

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Metal Gear Rising Only On PS3 In Japan

In a strange turn of events Metal Gear Solid was first slated to release for the Xbox360 then suddenly the news breaks that it will only release for the Playstation 3 in Japan . Looks like Sony tries to take care of its own at home ( Sony=Japan Microsoft=America ) by making a highly anticipated game made for multiple consoles exclusive to the Playstation 3 at home . Maybe they are just looking after their own best interests in hard economic times but what does this mean for Xbox360 owners in Japan? Surely they will be horribly upset because the Metal Gear Series is one of the best in the history of gaming some will argue . Fortunately this move is limited to Japan but could signal the start of a larger software war in the future for all consoles and thats just bad for gaming period.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

PS Vita Gets Playstation Plus In November

Playstation Vita Owners will be happy to hear that Playstation Plus service will be coming to the handheld in November . Whats so great about this you ask ? Well for starters if you for an example buy Playstation Plus for your PS3 you will also get it for your Vita and vise versa but the real bonus here is that both your Playstation 3 and Vita will each get the 1GB cloud storage offered with the PS3 now . Thats great considering the price of the proprietary Vita memory cards so all the extra space we can get is welcome. Will this be enough to sell the service on the Vita ? We'll have to wait and see what features Sony will launch with the Vita Playstation Plus before we can tell but hey if you already own a PS3 like most Vita owners its free to download to your Vita if you purchase it for your PS3 console .
 Looks like Sony has big plans with the Vita and this might very well have something to do with that mysterious Vita 1.81 update on the 18th as to allow Playstation Plus to operate on the handheld and patch some security holes as well. As a extra bonus to the story Japan has announced that the Vita in that country ( No word about North America yet ) will sell Cosmic Red and Sapphire Blue Vita models starting November 15th . Thank you Sony ...... what else can we say .

New PS3 Super Slim Model Next Week

Sony is releasing a new " Super Slim " Playstation 3 model to be in stores sometime next week. The new unit is 25% less in weight and volume and comes with up to 500 GB's of memory . Few details have leaked about the new console and here's what I know thus far . The new console still does not come with a HDMI cable for some reason but thats ok we all already have one anyway ; however , if your new to playstation 3 and plan on picking this up you will need to purchase a HDMI cable for HD output .
 Unfortunately the unit is still not playstation 2 compatible which also makes no sense . Gone are the front disk loading days because the PS3 Super Slim top loads Blue Ray disk's from a plastic sliding top panel ( not a flip open ) that sounds and looks cheap . It will still have 2 USB connections in the front like the the slim models . It is also said that it runs a little louder because the disk runs directly on top of the console unit .
 The new system looks and sounds cheaper than its older cousins but thats because its exactly that ...... cheaper.... as far as price goes . Someone looking for something smaller for limited space applications and less money then this is for you ; however , on the other hand if you already own a PS3 Slim then your good as gold because the slim looks , feels and sounds better than the Super Slim Console. Unfortunately I do not have exact prices per GB unit but will update as soon as more information rolls in .

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Wii U Pre-Orders Selling Out Across U.S


Its confirmed that the new next generation Nintendo hardware Wii-U is selling out all across the United States . All premium models are reserved with only very few lower end models available at a few Wallmarts across America. Numerous stores and retailers confirm that pre-order stock is fast disappearing . Looks like the Nintendo Wii-U is going to enjoy the same success as its older Wii which sold more than any other console and was the bonifide winner of the console wars for the last generation. Those who may have doubted the Wii-U are in for a big surprise as Nintendo will once again find itself hard pressed to meet demand in the production of the new console. With games like Super Mario and Zelda confirmed for the console its no big surprise to me.

Monday, September 17, 2012

Wii U Launch Titles

#1. Bayonetta
#2. Tekken Tag Tournaments 2
#3. Super Mario bros U
#4. Nintendo Land
#5. Obstacle Arcade
#6. FIFA 13
#7. ZombiU
#8. Call Of Duty : Black Ops 2
#9. Mass Effect 3
#10. Trine 2 : Directors Cut
#11. Toki Tori 2
#12. Raymen Legends
#13. Nano Assault Neo
#14. Ben10 : Omniverse

I will keep the list updated as new releases are announced . If you are aware of any additional titles for the Wii U launch please let us know in the comments .

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Valve Working On Next Gen Console

Well its now confirmed that software company Valve who has brought us such great games as Portal and Half-Life is now working on a new console for next gen . Valve has made it clear that they are fed up with current restrictions on the hardware offered by Xbox and Playstation and plan on making thier own with vast improvements which will allow better games to be created . Some people have argued that this means computer hardware ; however , this is very unlikely considering computer gaming has no limits and can always be upgraded and built upon at will . Valve is most likely talking home gaming consoles here and probably have some very interesting games being prepared soon for this hardware .
 Taking into consideration that Valve has released some of the greatest games of all times to rave reviews one can only imagine whats in store for us with Valve created hardware . Obviously Valve wants to look outside the box when it comes to video games and are now working to make that happen . With the new Wii U being launched and plans for next gen Xbox and Playstation consoles slated for 2013 we can now add one more far more mysterious addition to the mix and I must say I'm exited to see for myself what Valve has in mind. Like a current former post here at gamesplatt ...... it seems as though the console war's have truly began in earnest and this time around there will be many options .

The New Console Wars

Well the official new generation console wars has now started . You can see the fear in every gamers eye's as they grasp for their wallets and credit cards ( or their parents ) with cold clamy hands because they know this time around its going to cost them . I remember when the playstion 3 first launched and I put down $600 to play on the new console not including $60 games and other items of ridiculous price . With the soon ( weeks ) launch of the next gen Wii U and the already available next gen handheld Playstation Vita we are just seeing now the beggining of something big and very expensive coming our way.
 Sure the Wii U is priced at $300 which is not bad for a next gen console ; but , what if you need ( or want) a second or third controller ? Wait a minute ..... there is no Wii U controller ...... its a full blown computer tablet ..... good luck getting more than one Nintendo fans . Playstation Vita is only around $50 less than the new Wii U ( core price) but you will need expensive Sony memory cards , $40-$50 games, ect , ect ........ all this and Playstation4 and Xbox720 has not even been released yet . Yes my gamer friends this ones going to get ugly and even if your well off in todays economy its really going to hurt after the dark clouds of the next-gen console war have passed .
 I can imagine since the Playstaion 3 cost around $600 at lauch and games are around $60 now then the new Playstation mind machine will run close to that $600 mark and games will run around $70-$80 and who know's about the strange controllers we are in store for and how much those bad boys will cost .
 Either way you look at it the war is upon us all and we will have to pay ...... the question remains . What console , which handheld and what games ? I'm confused right now ... I own a Playstation 3 and a Vita ( my Xbox broke ) and until I see what Xbox and Playstation have to offer I sit and wait and count how much money is in the bank.

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Wii U Black Ops 2 Confirmed

We all know about the soon to be released Wii U console from Nintendo and with it comes an impressive line up of games including Black Ops 2 . For those of you who laugh and think that this hardware is anything at all like the original Wii will be in for a bit of a surprise. The Wii U's new hardware is very impressive including a tablet like controller . With games like Black Ops 2 and many other great games coming to the new console it should be interesting to see how it sells .
 Wii U will launch November 18 2012 and will cost around $299 ( just $50 more than the Vita ) . From what I have seen so far the games look amazing , original and next-gen to say the least . It should be very interesting watching the youtube gameplay video's of Black Ops 2 on the next-gen console and to see how it differ's from the software on Playstation3 or Xbox360 . These video's are sure to get allot of views because allot of people are interested in the new way of playing hardcore games the way the Nintendo Wii U brings it .
 Are you getting a Wii U at launch or will you wait to see how it all play's out if you even decide to get it at all? Let us know and share your idea's and/or any additional information you may have on this new console.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Call Of Duty Demise Imminent

Allot of you will flame this story before you even read the entire article because that is just how the COD community has proven itself over the years . I have been a hardcore Call Of Duty fan and player since the first Modern Warfare until present so dont even start calling me a fanboy of battlefield ( i dont play any BF ) or any other franchise because its simply not true . So now lets look at the facts .
 Black Ops was the first addition to the series that began to really hurt the franchise and I know about the units sold ; but , I'm referring about the future downward spiral thats imminent . Why you ask ? Well the answer is quite simple . Infinity Ward , treyarch and acttivision have over the last few years turned their back on the core Call Of Duty community to cater more and more to the casual COD gamers for more sales and money which has worked so far ; however , over time they are losing more and more original hardcore players because of their shady tactics and connections to 3rd party websites like that resulted in thousands of harcore players being banned and reset simply because of false reports from these 3rd parties since being declared by activision amongs others as fake and huge numbers of false reports ; but , by this time its too late to say sorry for the thousands of loyal followers whom had their stats reset all because someone reported them in anger after getting beat in an online match . Now it seems they are catering even more to the casual gamers by introducing the "point" streek system in Black Ops 2 instead of the time tested and loved kill streak after all it is a war game and war is about killing . The first Black Ops was even brave enough to release the game without true leaderboards ; but , score per second ( or minute not sure ) thus making the true nature of playing the game for extended periods of time worthless plus the traditional leaderboard by kills and wins ect was the biggest selling point of not only COD games ; but , all online multiplayer games I mean come on its all about who's #1 right ( If your casual at the game dont answer please ) ?
 Lets now look at the negative impact of such horrible desisions . First and foremost casual gamers will pick up the copy thus boosting sales record ; but , in the long run its the hardcore COD community that purchases all the extra map packs , COD Elite subscriptions and more . The hardcore COD community also invest more time playing , buying special editions and much more bringing in huge sums of money compared to the casual COD player who plays for an hour or two switches to campaign mode and trades the game in later after beating the limited campaign mode . So ask yourself ..... In the long run who really keeps Call Of Duty games afloat ? Yes thats right the hardcore COD community thats who you know the ones who are going to have to face endless "point" streaks in Black Ops 2 from players who simply complete a few simple objectives even though they are going super negative and ruining the game for everyone else before pulling the plug and ending the game for everyone.
 Recently in reliable gaming news scources it is estimated that gaming lost 12 million gamers in 2012 . Well I hate to be the doomsayer here but if the Call Of Duty franchise keeps on this path in a few years everyones going to playing that "new" franchise thats gives hardcore shooters what they want . Who's going to make it or what is that game going to be? We dont know but one thing is for sure its coming and with classic's like original 123 leaderboards and hardcore competive action without being banned for being good ..... allot of gamers are going to pack up and leave and COD will be left with all the casual gamers who spend next to nothing on extras and spending most of their time reporting others for being better than them . Oh yea one last thing before closing this article . COD the game states clearly on the front "mature" so why are little kids getting mature players banned for using mature language on a mature game? Yea thats what I thought . Get it together .

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Sony's Plan For Wii-U

After the latest Sony Playstation Vita update I sat back and got myself comfortable for a long session of God Of War Saga remote play on my vita when I noticed something . Beside the option for remote play was an option for cross play which means that now the Vita can be used as a controller although with some restrictions ( to be patched later I'm sure ) then it became apparent in my mind at least what in fact Sony has been planning for the Vita .
 As you all know the new hardware from Nintendo under the name Wii-U will release this year and includes a controller that is a tablet and interactive with games and what you see on your t.v screen. Its now only a matter of time until a further patch is done for the Vita making it basically the same thing on par with the Wii-U idea of an interactive touch game controller . So expect very soon after the release of the Nintendo Wii to see Vita game developers making games that are interactive with the Vita as the main controller for certain games .

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Dark Souls / Hardest Game Ever Made

After putting in around 20 hour's of gameplay and realizing ..... hey I havn't got very far and I have died around 1,372 times . Every step you take death awaits you and behind every wall and in every dark corner the dead await to slaughter you as you pass . Every 20 or 30 yards gained during this game feels like a great accomplishment . Just when you destroy a boss or hard enemy and think you have won and earned safety for at least awhile ..... no just around the next corner death awaits .
 Gathering souls to level up is agonizing and after losing an untold amount of souls before reaching them again after dying the realisation of the pain and agony of sludging through this game became horribly apparent . No words can even describe the mental anguish as you die over and over sometimes by the simplest and stupidest things you can imaging. I still have at least 30 or more hours of gameplay ( dying ) left in this game assuming things work out ; but , in this game nothing works out besides constant grinding and replaying of the same erea's over and over agsin for souls you need to just level up one thing one point .
 Dark Souls goes down thus far as the hardest and challenging game of present memory and if you of one harder please explain lol because I doubt you really do . Even with the constant death and dying something about the game keeps you in its grips and is a great game ...... just dont by it if your on medication for depression because this game has been known to cause random madness in humans and animals near the disk itself.