Saturday, November 24, 2012

Xbox Black Ops 2 Patch Released While PS3 Suffers

 This is just amazing ...... Today on GameSpot there is an article about a new Black Ops 2 patch update available for the Xbox360 . Whats the problem then? Well the problem is the PS3 is the console that has been suffering the most problems with freezing ect . Why would they release a patch for the Xbox 360 when record numbers of PS3 users are suffering constant freezing problems , connection problems and hit detection problems ? Its starting to look official ...... Microsoft and the COD franchise are workinh together under a better "deal" than Sony . Let it be said though that all players of Black Ops 2 are ripped out of $60 anyways however you look at it . With sub-par multiplayer that hardly works , no leaderboards or kill streaks that made COD what it is today we are all ripped off $60 dollars and hate me all you want but its the truth . Have fun playing your game thats going to brick your console from freezing and corrupted files just in time for the next generation consoles .....suspicious? Yup.

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