Sunday, November 25, 2012

Breaking : Sony Stocks Downgraded To Junk Status

Breaking News Update

 Tucked safely away from the public eye is a report that Sony's stock worth has been downgraded to "junk" . For those of you who know little about the stock markets this is very bad news for the tech giant. Junk status stocks effect a company in many different although all negative ways because it tags the stock as risky. Sony is not the only tech giant however with Panasonic also being downgraded to junk. Now the question is how this is going to effect Ps3 and Vita owners in the future ? Sony will have to try to bring in more money and allot of it . This is just a feeling but this could lead to measures like charging for Playstation Network access . Its hard to even imagine Sony's financial woes considering the amount of money I drop in my PSN store wallet ever month.

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