Thursday, November 29, 2012

Call Of Duty In Decline Every Year

 As predicted here in former articles or should I say complaints... the Call Of Duty franchise is facing a steep decline in sales contrary to what mainstream media would like you to beleive and heres the proof . Black Ops 2 sales started off well during launch before begining to decline and could not hold the numbers compared to Modern Warfare 3. Call Of Duty has declined on average 15% year after year in what is ultimately the consumers reaction to paying $60 for ports every year using the same old outdated graphics engine and screenovers . I know I'll be trading in my copy of BO2 before its worth $7 at gamestop very soon because this game will NOT hold any value long.
 On a brighter note however the PS3 sold 525,000 units and 160,000 PS Vita systems on black Friday..... a welcome boost to the financially hurting Sony empire . Microsoft enjoyed better numbers with around 750,000 xbox360's proving that consoles are not dead just yet even though Call Of Duty has one foot in the grave.

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