Thursday, August 30, 2012

Nihilistic Behind Call Of Duty PS Vita

As most of you know by now Nihilistic Software are the one behind the highly anticipated Black Ops title coming to the Playstation Vita handheld gaming system in November . IGN and other big gaming heavyweights have been slandering this fact . Why you ask ? Well the answer is very simple . Nihilistic are the ones who brought us the not so great ( or good for that matter ) Resistance Burning Skies and some other move game that both got mediocre scores across the board . Now if that does not raise some red flags then how about that trailer just released that looked ; well , kind of bad to put it nicely and according to some , just plain terrible.
 Nihilistic Software has been given a huge task for such a little developer . Will they redeem themselves and break into the bigtime or will they fall flat again ? In other words will this game become the Vita savior Sony so much needs it to be or will another title need to save the day and which one?

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