Friday, August 31, 2012

Far Cry 3 Looking Better And Better

The Far Cry series has always been ahead of its time in the world of closed world games. When I first started playing Far Cry 2 I was simply amazed at not only the great graphics ; but , the complete open world and free play . Unlike other games of the time where gamers are usualy led down a chosen path to kill enemy's in closed spaces and corridors Far Cry 2 injected players into something completly different . You could choose to go anywhere at all and do whatever you wanted to in a huge sandbox of jungle , rivers , roads and much more . The depth of that game alone with the huge amount of gameplay involved ( depending on what you decided to do ) made that game worth every penny and then some .
 Far Cry 3 is soon to be released on these same consepts promising better graphics , more enemy's ( including wildlife like tigers ) and the same open world sandbox play we all love with some insanity thrown in for good measure . The only bad thing about Far Cry 3 is the release date sometime in 2013 which has allot of us gamers biting our nails for a long time ; but , at the same time comfortable with the fact that this game was not rushed and the end product will be polished . With the equally promising and fun looking multiplayer this game might just be what many gamers have been looking for .

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