Friday, August 31, 2012

Medal Of Honor Warfighter

After the free map Terminal on Modern Warfare 3 I realized just how similiar the game is to the last installment of the series Modern Warfare 2 . Sure it was fun for a while because it is a classic map ( and free of course ) but it opened my eyes to the fact that the Call Of Duty series is running short on fresh idea's . Why not give us a new map pack? Why are both games almost the exact same minus the change of maps and a few new kill streaks ? Allot of questions for sure ; but , questions that need answered before I keep dropping hard earned money on these so called "new" Call Of Duty games .
 That brings us now to Medal Of Honor Warfighter and I must admit ( like allot of others ) this game looks very good and most importantly ..... original and fresh . From what I have seen so far this game promises a great single and multiplayer experience that just maybe different then the same old , same old and a welcome change if that. Dont get me wrong I love Call Of Duty and I will by all these games ........ which ones I will play the most and drop the most money on is still up in the air . What are your thoughts about the coming Medal Of Honor Warfighter and do you plan on playing this game?

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