Well the official new generation console wars has now started . You can see the fear in every gamers eye's as they grasp for their wallets and credit cards ( or their parents ) with cold clamy hands because they know this time around its going to cost them . I remember when the playstion 3 first launched and I put down $600 to play on the new console not including $60 games and other items of ridiculous price . With the soon ( weeks ) launch of the next gen Wii U and the already available next gen handheld Playstation Vita we are just seeing now the beggining of something big and very expensive coming our way.
Sure the Wii U is priced at $300 which is not bad for a next gen console ; but , what if you need ( or want) a second or third controller ? Wait a minute ..... there is no Wii U controller ...... its a full blown computer tablet ..... good luck getting more than one Nintendo fans . Playstation Vita is only around $50 less than the new Wii U ( core price) but you will need expensive Sony memory cards , $40-$50 games, ect , ect ........ all this and Playstation4 and Xbox720 has not even been released yet . Yes my gamer friends this ones going to get ugly and even if your well off in todays economy its really going to hurt after the dark clouds of the next-gen console war have passed .
I can imagine since the Playstaion 3 cost around $600 at lauch and games are around $60 now then the new Playstation mind machine will run close to that $600 mark and games will run around $70-$80 and who know's about the strange controllers we are in store for and how much those bad boys will cost .
Either way you look at it the war is upon us all and we will have to pay ...... the question remains . What console , which handheld and what games ? I'm confused right now ... I own a Playstation 3 and a Vita ( my Xbox broke ) and until I see what Xbox and Playstation have to offer I sit and wait and count how much money is in the bank.
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