Wednesday, September 19, 2012

PS Vita Gets Playstation Plus In November

Playstation Vita Owners will be happy to hear that Playstation Plus service will be coming to the handheld in November . Whats so great about this you ask ? Well for starters if you for an example buy Playstation Plus for your PS3 you will also get it for your Vita and vise versa but the real bonus here is that both your Playstation 3 and Vita will each get the 1GB cloud storage offered with the PS3 now . Thats great considering the price of the proprietary Vita memory cards so all the extra space we can get is welcome. Will this be enough to sell the service on the Vita ? We'll have to wait and see what features Sony will launch with the Vita Playstation Plus before we can tell but hey if you already own a PS3 like most Vita owners its free to download to your Vita if you purchase it for your PS3 console .
 Looks like Sony has big plans with the Vita and this might very well have something to do with that mysterious Vita 1.81 update on the 18th as to allow Playstation Plus to operate on the handheld and patch some security holes as well. As a extra bonus to the story Japan has announced that the Vita in that country ( No word about North America yet ) will sell Cosmic Red and Sapphire Blue Vita models starting November 15th . Thank you Sony ...... what else can we say .

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