Allot of you will flame this story before you even read the entire article because that is just how the COD community has proven itself over the years . I have been a hardcore Call Of Duty fan and player since the first Modern Warfare until present so dont even start calling me a fanboy of battlefield ( i dont play any BF ) or any other franchise because its simply not true . So now lets look at the facts .
Black Ops was the first addition to the series that began to really hurt the franchise and I know about the units sold ; but , I'm referring about the future downward spiral thats imminent . Why you ask ? Well the answer is quite simple . Infinity Ward , treyarch and acttivision have over the last few years turned their back on the core Call Of Duty community to cater more and more to the casual COD gamers for more sales and money which has worked so far ; however , over time they are losing more and more original hardcore players because of their shady tactics and connections to 3rd party websites like that resulted in thousands of harcore players being banned and reset simply because of false reports from these 3rd parties since being declared by activision amongs others as fake and huge numbers of false reports ; but , by this time its too late to say sorry for the thousands of loyal followers whom had their stats reset all because someone reported them in anger after getting beat in an online match . Now it seems they are catering even more to the casual gamers by introducing the "point" streek system in Black Ops 2 instead of the time tested and loved kill streak after all it is a war game and war is about killing . The first Black Ops was even brave enough to release the game without true leaderboards ; but , score per second ( or minute not sure ) thus making the true nature of playing the game for extended periods of time worthless plus the traditional leaderboard by kills and wins ect was the biggest selling point of not only COD games ; but , all online multiplayer games I mean come on its all about who's #1 right ( If your casual at the game dont answer please ) ?
Lets now look at the negative impact of such horrible desisions . First and foremost casual gamers will pick up the copy thus boosting sales record ; but , in the long run its the hardcore COD community that purchases all the extra map packs , COD Elite subscriptions and more . The hardcore COD community also invest more time playing , buying special editions and much more bringing in huge sums of money compared to the casual COD player who plays for an hour or two switches to campaign mode and trades the game in later after beating the limited campaign mode . So ask yourself ..... In the long run who really keeps Call Of Duty games afloat ? Yes thats right the hardcore COD community thats who you know the ones who are going to have to face endless "point" streaks in Black Ops 2 from players who simply complete a few simple objectives even though they are going super negative and ruining the game for everyone else before pulling the plug and ending the game for everyone.
Recently in reliable gaming news scources it is estimated that gaming lost 12 million gamers in 2012 . Well I hate to be the doomsayer here but if the Call Of Duty franchise keeps on this path in a few years everyones going to playing that "new" franchise thats gives hardcore shooters what they want . Who's going to make it or what is that game going to be? We dont know but one thing is for sure its coming and with classic's like original 123 leaderboards and hardcore competive action without being banned for being good ..... allot of gamers are going to pack up and leave and COD will be left with all the casual gamers who spend next to nothing on extras and spending most of their time reporting others for being better than them . Oh yea one last thing before closing this article . COD the game states clearly on the front "mature" so why are little kids getting mature players banned for using mature language on a mature game? Yea thats what I thought . Get it together .
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