Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Playstation Network Available On PC Soon

 Playstation users in the U.K and other countries can now access the Playstation network via a PC or similar web connected devise. These features will soon launch for North America we just do not know when yet . This means that you can access features such as the store from a web connected devise and buy a game that will be ready for you to download as soon as your on your PS3 or Vita .

Monday, December 10, 2012

What Happens When You Reset Your Stats On BO2

If your wondering what happens when you choose to reset your stats on Black Ops 2 well then I have the answer . I decided to reset my stats on third prestige ( you can only do it on prestige ) not only for a fresh start but also the cool eraser calling card you can only get for doing so and therfore can never truly unlock all emblems unless you do a full reset which is why I decided to do it before I got even deeper in the game ranking system.
  When and if you decide to reset your stats EVERYTHING is lost . No more prestige , weapons , kills , score ,emblems . You start back with nothing from level 0 and this also holds true for any league ranking you have earned because all league is deleted also. It takes some real backbone to do this so make sure you know what it means if you are going to choose this lonely path...... but hey , I can show off my cool eraser emblem nobody else seems to have that I have seen . Good luck.

Friday, December 7, 2012

Why All The Stupidity Towards The Vita ?

I keep seeing it over and over ..... this next game might be the " savior " of the unfortunate Playstation Vita handheld . I'm about to rave about this so just a warning before you read farther along. Without naming any names; but, lets just say "big mainstream " websites are keeping to their guns about the "lack of good material ' for the vita and that just maybe this next crap game( supported by the same website via their ads ) that was rushed , pushed on a sub-par developing team by bankrupt Western developer companies will "save" the vita . Well let me go ahead and just crush these wild allegations . In case you have not been paying attention Mr Big Time gaming news source Persona 4 Golden ( only for the Vita ) holds the highest ranking score of any game released on any platform in 2012 and probably before that to be honest with one of the highest metacritic score of all time . Sorry your missing out on all the Japanese good stuff ( Sony is Japanese after all ) but I already dropped 40+ hours in P4G and play my Vita more than my Ps3 or anything else for that matter . Lets not forget Gravity Rush ..... but I doubt you could understand a good handheld game if it slapped you in the face, or what about BlazBlue ? You probably hate BlazBlue considering it takes work and dedication to become good at the game that has some of the very best visuals on any handheld and most consoles for that matter . Maybe your just mad that we can play Metal Gear Solid HD collection anywhere we feel the need to and that games also considered one of the best games ever made and that's a fact look it up ...... oh and did I mention Metal Gear is always a Sony exclusive ? I just did . So while your sitting back on your 10 year old console Xbox360 or Ps3 ( both around 10 years old lol ). I'm playing Ragnarok Odyssey on the new next generation handheld devise while your still writing articles about the Vita needing saved when the only thing that truly needs saved is your taste in video games and hardware .

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Hold On To Your Current Consoles / Reason?

Sales of video games on tablets and smart phones continue to grow at break neck speed representing a new direction of gaming . Portable gaming is outselling console based games by a wide margin and will only continue on this path . That being said it would probably be good idea to hold on to your current gen console as these are a dying breed according to industry analysis . Next gen will launch in 2013 but how successful these will be is anyone's guess but one thing is for sure .... the industry follows the money and for the very near future ( and present ) portable gaming is the money maker .

Far Cry 3 Releasing Soon And Looking Great

December 4th something special is being released in the form of Far Cry 3 . The more I look into this game and watch the new video's the more exited I become. Its refreshing to know that something original is coming that was not rushed and took awhile to finish. The graphics look cleaner than ever and the open world is larger than ever even filled with wild animals that present the same threat as human enemies . This is one of my most anticipated game releases of 2012 and will bring you a full review that will come in the form of GameSplatt's first video review on our new youtube channel. Stay tuned for more information and the review  that will be posted here and on youtube around the 6th .

Sony Patents New Move Controller

 Details have emerged of a very strange and somewhat odd Sony patent for a new detachable move controller . Well this could have something to do with the next gen consoles slated to hit stores holiday 2013 as already confirmed my Microsoft . Sony however has been slow to announce anything at all about when the new Playstation will be released . In my opinion this controller looks like a gimmick and I cant imagine console gamer's using this and I must ask the question ....... Sony what the hell are you doing ?