Friday, November 30, 2012

Hideo Kojima Looks Beyond Metal Gear Franchise

 Hideo Kojima has recently said he's looking beyond the Metal Gear series widely believed to be some of the very best games ever made . He also said he does not want his legacy based around being the Metal Gear guy ( not a bad thing in anybody's book ) and is working on different games in the future . His new Metal Gear game is also in development using the insane Fox engine that will make for yet another triple A title by the master himself. I think he's right in the fact that his top notch game development skill should be utilized towards different games and we look forward to what he brings because whatever it is ..... I'm positive it will be great .

Note PS Vita Owners :
Metal Gear Solid HD collection for the Vita is one of the best titles ( even though a remake) on the handheld and is highly recommended .

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Call Of Duty In Decline Every Year

 As predicted here in former articles or should I say complaints... the Call Of Duty franchise is facing a steep decline in sales contrary to what mainstream media would like you to beleive and heres the proof . Black Ops 2 sales started off well during launch before begining to decline and could not hold the numbers compared to Modern Warfare 3. Call Of Duty has declined on average 15% year after year in what is ultimately the consumers reaction to paying $60 for ports every year using the same old outdated graphics engine and screenovers . I know I'll be trading in my copy of BO2 before its worth $7 at gamestop very soon because this game will NOT hold any value long.
 On a brighter note however the PS3 sold 525,000 units and 160,000 PS Vita systems on black Friday..... a welcome boost to the financially hurting Sony empire . Microsoft enjoyed better numbers with around 750,000 xbox360's proving that consoles are not dead just yet even though Call Of Duty has one foot in the grave.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Square Enix's Next Gen Luminous Engine

 Square Enix has taking game development into its own hands with its new next generation graphics engine Luminous Studios's . Make no mistake Square Enix created a real beast with this new engine and after seeing it in action luminous Studio Video / GamesRadar its hard to imagine others creating a better engine to compete . Square Enix stated with authority that they do not want to be held back by the vision of others and thus the new engine that represents their vision and the direction they would like to take next gen gaming. The first game on Luminous Studio is already being developed and we can only now guess as to what it could be because they are not saying much . Trust me , click the link to the video because you will be blown away by this new engine and its capabilities .

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Black Ops 2 Rage Hits The Internet

 Everywhere you look on forums you can find nothing short of hate filled rants from the players of the new Call Of Duty series Black Ops 2 . Numerous gaming websites ( including this one ) are reporting this phenomenon including the best quotes from disheveled consumers ( including one from this site ) in an apparent attempt to confront this growing revolt among fellow gamer's . It seems that all these mainstream 9/10 reviews landed on def ears as players are confronted with the reality of trying to master a flawed multiplayer . GameSplatt has covered these issues in past articles and now it seems that a majority of real life gamer's are experiencing the same problems including but not limited to horrible lag , terrible hit detection , connection problems and constant console freezing issues . Any competitive online multiplayer that requires 16 rounds of FMJ bullets from light machine gun to drop another player has some serious issues that need to be addressed but dont worry you could always use the shotguns that kill players from 40 yards away and slings their bodies 10 feet in the air .

Monday, November 26, 2012

Wii-U The End Of An Era

The Godfather of American video game consoles and founding father of the Atari Nolan Bushnell gave Nintendo a verbal beat down today when he said the following about the Wii U "I don't think its going to be a big success " then follows up with "I am actually baffled by it " and then the final smack down on the new console " feels like the end of an era " . Ouch .

Click For GameSplatt On Youtube

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Gamer Breaks Record / 135 Hours BO2 / Look At His Face

 I know this is old news ; but , come on look at this guy's face after playing Black Ops 2 for 135 hours non-stop . Forget massaging his shoulders scan this mans legs for blood clots .

Breaking : Sony Stocks Downgraded To Junk Status

Breaking News Update

 Tucked safely away from the public eye is a report that Sony's stock worth has been downgraded to "junk" . For those of you who know little about the stock markets this is very bad news for the tech giant. Junk status stocks effect a company in many different although all negative ways because it tags the stock as risky. Sony is not the only tech giant however with Panasonic also being downgraded to junk. Now the question is how this is going to effect Ps3 and Vita owners in the future ? Sony will have to try to bring in more money and allot of it . This is just a feeling but this could lead to measures like charging for Playstation Network access . Its hard to even imagine Sony's financial woes considering the amount of money I drop in my PSN store wallet ever month.

Milestone : GameSplatt 2,000 Page Views


GameSplatt just hit a milestone of 2k blog hits . We would like to thank everyone for your support . Your all great .

GameSplatt Is Now On Youtube


As promised GameSplatt is now on Youtube . If you have the time and enjoy our work here and like what we are tying to do like bringing you in your face un-biased video game news . The GameSplatt channel will be uploading multiple video's a day of various gameplay , news and video game reviews so please check it out and help us get out there by liking , comenting , favorite and sharing our work across your social networks . Thank you everyone for your support so far and we are looking foward to bringing you the video games you want and crave . Click the link below to show your love for GameSplatt the add free video game news source of the future ,

Saturday, November 24, 2012

Xbox Black Ops 2 Patch Released While PS3 Suffers

 This is just amazing ...... Today on GameSpot there is an article about a new Black Ops 2 patch update available for the Xbox360 . Whats the problem then? Well the problem is the PS3 is the console that has been suffering the most problems with freezing ect . Why would they release a patch for the Xbox 360 when record numbers of PS3 users are suffering constant freezing problems , connection problems and hit detection problems ? Its starting to look official ...... Microsoft and the COD franchise are workinh together under a better "deal" than Sony . Let it be said though that all players of Black Ops 2 are ripped out of $60 anyways however you look at it . With sub-par multiplayer that hardly works , no leaderboards or kill streaks that made COD what it is today we are all ripped off $60 dollars and hate me all you want but its the truth . Have fun playing your game thats going to brick your console from freezing and corrupted files just in time for the next generation consoles .....suspicious? Yup.

Ragnarok Odyssey Review

 Ragnarok Odyssey is one of those games that has received mixed reviews. Mainsream gaming websites like IGN gave the game horrible reviews as usual ( see biased review article below ) and others even gave it a 10/10 . What some people fail to realize is that Ragnarok Odyssey has a different vision for the game on the vita than some would expect and that vision comes to life and fruitation . Some complained the the RPG elements were not "deep" enough ; however , Ragnarok is deep in its own original way and strives to be what Vita owners want it to be ..... a game thats fun to play on the go and easy to put down after spending what time you can spare on the handheld. This works well because Vita owners sometimes need and crave a game thats fun and original without being overwhelming and Ragnarok Odyssey does this perfectly. The gameplay is addictive with lots of missions and side missions and even online and co-op .
 You can choose between different classes that can be changed and switched up anytime during the game .... a welcome change compared to other RPG's . The ranking system is different in that you need to kill monsters and loot cards that you can equip to your clothing for dfferent abbilities and you have to choose which ones to equip ..... choose the wrong cards and you fail that simple. Boss battles are very fun indeed and these offer the longer and more difficult aspects of the Ragnarok gameplay for the more hardcore gamers and the more casual can always use multiplayer for help defeating a boss if thats whats needed . Graphics are great on the Vita's screen and even though you do play some erea's over and over there are always different monsters and things to do making it not so bad but still effecting the overal score of the game in general.  In true monster hunter tradition you will face many different species of monsters to battle with and the combat system is simple yet welcome because it works flawlessly ..... besides who need too much complicated procedures in a game that makes the simple attack system as addictive as it is? Replay value is also a plus as you can play through as many other classes sometimes using swords and other blunt instraments and magic and arrows in others .
 Alltogether Ragnarok Odyssey does what it sets out to do and that is to keep you addicted to the simple yet fun gameplay thats easy to use on the Vita and fits the handheld like a glove. This is a game that should be purchased because it will bring you many hours of fun in an original way . The artwork style alone makes the game a must have ( something few gamers still appreciate ) for both hardcore and casual gamers alike .


Great graphics and original artwork
Deep gameplay without getting too deep
Original creatures and monsters
Great boss fights
Replay value
Multiplayer and co-op


Map repetition
Strange rank system


8.2 / 10   Great


Friday, November 23, 2012

Next Generation Playstation/Xbox Explained

It does not take a genius to figure out ( my reliable inside source helps also ) that the next gen "consoles" coming out in 2013 are not really consoles at all. As a matter of fact you will never buy or see another HD and/or Blue Ray disc again after you say fairwell to your current PS3 or Xbox360 . If you think this is all hearsay do your own research and you will easily find the fact that developers already have this hardware and are in fact developing new games for these new "consoles" as I write this. Farther research will also net you the knowledge that game producer after game producer have been closing up shop recently ....... the reasons they give for these actions... and I quote " steep decline in console game demand " uttered by both Eurocom ( 007 Legends ) and Nihilistic ( Black Ops Declassified ) right before they both moved into portable gaming ( iPhone ) moving forward . Needless to say these are a very few exapmles of very large video game producers going under and fast . Most game sales now are almost all on portable devices like Nintendo DS / 3DS , Sony PSP/Vita , tablets and phones . People are simply not willing to dish out $60 per game anymore and its starting to take its toll on the software corporations .
 Next generation consoles will be cloud based and without disk slots or trays . Video games will be purchased from the cloud and the cloud only . Blue-Ray movies , music and everything else will all be digital . The consoles will be very small ( no disk drive ) and most likely playable also as a gaming portable tablet on the go that can also be plugged into an HD T.V if and when you desire a "console" experience and not like the Wii-U where you have both the tablet and console ; but , a tablet that can itself be converted for home entertainment purposes. Dont believe me ? Go ahead and tell me so I can rub this time and dated article right in your face next year .

Persona 4 Golden Review

 The Playstation Vita started off with very limited games to choose from and lacking any kind of "system sellers" so with the re-release of an updated Persona 4 Golden is a God send for Sony's handheld . How can I even begin to explain how brilliant this game really is without sounding like a zealot ? Impossible to be honest. Persona 4 Golden is a re-mastered version of the original Shin Megami Tensei series of persona 4 released on December 9, 2008 for the PS2 .
 The game is a complicated and addictive mixture of life simulation and dungeon JRPG amongst other things. Your a new transfer student to a new small town in Japan and find yourself juggling a complicated murder scenario and high school social life with everything you can imagine related involved . The story is one of the greatest ever told on any video game and the voice acting stands as some of the finest voice acting ever achieved in gaming . Every time you think you have some of the story figured out the twist's and turns just keep coming and do not relent until the very end . While playing this game you feel as if you are actually living this boys life and become so involved with the other characters you will be hard pressed to set the game down for bathroom breaks.
 The original game is widely considered one of the best games ever made and now with the game remastered in HD with tons of extra's like music video's , animations from every persona game ever made , older and new trailers , ect ect , on and on it goes. The game feels like it was always meant to be played on the vita and that somehow the Atlus developers could see in the future and made this game with the future Vita in mind. Software updates will not be needed here as this game is perfection and anything else could only soil what is already a masterpiece . The visuals are amazing on the Vita's OLED screen and the dungeon's look as though it could be 3D with the glasses. Turn based battle scenes jump out at you with every shining detail splashing against your retina's in a grand display of awsomeness and when you perform a group attack you will almost soil yourself in excitement . You will get lost in over 100+ hours of gameplay like none other and could still play through again using different choices and persona's . Persona's are formed with social links you create from interacting with other characters in the game and the more your friendships build so does your combat ability and rank.
 With a metacratic score of 95/100 Persona 4 Golden stands as the most highly rated game in 2012 and with similiar score's in the past with the older version Persona 4 Golden trully is one of the finest games ever made and if thats not a system seller I dont know what is . You dont have to be a fan of JRPG's to enjoy this game because its different than any other RPG you have ever seen or played . With tons of new content like characters , music, video's , voice acting and HD graphics ....... anybody who does not get this game for their Vita does not deserve to even own one.

  10/10 Masterpiece

Thursday, November 22, 2012

GameSplatt Now On Facebook

GameSplatt is now on Facebook. Drop a like and help us get started. Thank you for all your support .

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

PS Vita Really Is The next Gen Console

With all the talk about the new next generation Sony and Microsoft consoles on the way very soon ( Wii-U should be considered current gen after playing it ) people are overlooking the fact that there allready is a next gen console available in handheld form .... the Playstation Vita . As a owner of a PS3 , Wii-U and Vita I can say that the Vita gets the most use out of me. What makes it next gen ? Well the fact that you can have a full HD console experience on the go is the answer . Sitting next to the television for hours should be a part of the distant past . I cant see myself sitting in front of a television and console for hours all day and its refreshing having a powerfull handheld on standby whenever there is time to kill like at the doctors office waiting to get called back , in the office on slow days, in the car during traffic jams ect , ect . Now that allot of great games are being released for the next gen handheld its only up from here on out . Show me a next gen Playstation , Xbox that you can bring along with you everywhere you go ........ never going to happen and thats why PS Vita trully is next gen .

Bias In Mainstream Video Game Reviews

 It is very obvious now that mainstream video game websites are in bed with certain game developers and its starting to show in their game reviews . Time after time big time video game networks and websites are giving out false and bias game reviews to guide game sales in certain directions for corporations . Websites like IGN use complete bias in their reviews and fans are now begining to wake up to this fact and ignoring these reviews . I dont know about you but I'm sick of reading reviews from people who have no idea what a good game is and the history and art behind them . They spend their days playing FPS's of little significant importance to gaming besides the money they generate from the masses they rip off year after year and when something truly original and great is released they give it horrible reviews as to keep the major players in their un-deserved spots untested and safe away from change that would test them .
  An example of this would be the review recently of Ragnarok Odyssey that received a horrible review from IGN and IGN only . Most people who have played this game realizes its a great game for the vita and that IGN must have something against all games Japanese for some reason ...... most likely out of bad taste on top of promoting the games that "contribute" the most to the income of the said websites and networks. This is only a small example of such reviews that have for so long hurt sales of great games by manipulating their readers into believing in their bias gaming views . I stopped reading these reviews from mainstream networks and get all my reviews from smaller and independent video game news sources and have not been let down yet as I have on the major players . Always remember when reading or watching reviews that these come from a single person who in all reality enjoys a different gaming experience than you . Good luck in your quest for un-bias reviews and your future of playing great games .

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

GameSplatt Going Pro

We are now working on a new and updated Gamesplatt for a better gaming news experience very soon . The same Gamesplatt you know will not change besides a new pro design , better upgrades like .com address and a fully partnered and branded GameSplatt Youtube channel for full HD video game news and reviews . The changes will take place over the next few days and we would like to thank everyone who has read our articles thus far and we look forward to bringing you a better experience .

Persons 4 Golden Vita Launch Today

Persona 4 Golden for the Vita releases 's today 11/20/2012 and is considered the vita's first true system seller after the game sold allot of Vita's in the Japan launch . I'm leaving right now to pick up my pre-order ( you get a fancy Persona Vita screen protector with pre-order ) now . If your not a fan of JRPG's thats ok ...... Persona 4 Golden has received mostly 10 out of 10 in almost every single review not only in Japan but also in the United States . Thank you Atlus for bringing Vita owners something truly amazing .

Monday, November 19, 2012

Activision Removes Nuketown 2025 From BO2

 Now its just getting bad ( see last story below ) if the rest of Black Ops problems were not enough ( freezing , lag , ect ) now Activision has announced that they have decided to permanently remove the map everyone was waiting and pre-orderd the game for.... Nuketown 2025. Why Activision would punish loyal customers who invested in Black Ops 2 is simply beyond me . Then again .... after playing Black Ops 2 online ( or trying ) now I understand ...... they want us to be in pain .

Black Ops 2 Multiplayer Is Bad

 Ok so I had the audacity to break down and say it when nobody else would . While other "mainstream" gaming websites and blogs kneel before their master and deliver great review's I think I'm going to keep it real whether fan boys and girls alike approve of it or not . Dont take me the wrong way and keep in mind before you stop reading thinking I'm just another COD hater... lets take a fast look at the facts . I have been playing COD before the online option was even available yet and have continued to play since and allot as a matter of fact . So just hear me out and decide for yourself .
 Dont get me wrong the single player campaign is great and so is the new and original zombies : but , we are talking about the multiplayer here for this story . I understand that a new game on launch is going to suffer some problems and thats fine : but , Black Ops 2 fails ( even after the second update ) in almost every possible way . Launch night I waited in line at midnight to get my copy of Black Ops 2 and it was not very long after that I found myself banned for four hours . Why you ask ? Well the game is notorious for freezing on the PS3 and every lobby I got into I was the host only to find my game freezing on me ....... three times in a row. The second time the game froze and I rebooted I recieved a message saying I would be banned if I did not finish the matches . Needless to say after two games the game froze again mid game and I was forced to reboot and upon returning to the menu found to my dismay that I was banned for four hours . I understand this is done to keep people from ending the game but I cant help but to ask .......... after all the money and time spent on this game they never thought of this scenario ??? Well I took the ban like man and proceeded to bed for the night . The next morning I woke up and was happy that now I could enjoy some of my favorite series . Nope : the servers are messed up and now I get an error saying that I could not join a lobby and this lasted at least 24 hours and the entire time all my friends where online playing except one other person who was suffering the same constant error as me. After the error nightmare and after 2 days of being banned for their defective software and being unable to connect to online matches finally I was in a lobby and ready to play . This is when I seen that an update was required and I was very happy thinking this will fix the bugs and lag ect , ect . Nope : Even after the update I was connecting fine ; but , then I realized that it takes an entire clip to drop another player . I have a very good connection at my house and thats why I was always getting host when the freezing got me banned for no reason . Now I'm second prestige and its the same thing ...... empty an entire clip to maybe get a kill  then reload and repeat over and over .
 The fact of the matter is ..... mainstream gaming websites are all in bed with COD . The same very old and outdated graphics engine ....terrible server network , horrible lag , constant freezing and to top it all off a mostache crosshair for your scope . Wow .